Wednesday 14 September 2016

Stopping the Acute Dog Diarrhea in a Real Quick Time: Home Treatments to Consider

Every dog owner says that they love their pooch, but the real test is when in the middle of the night you have to clean up their diarrhea. If you do it without getting mad at them, it means that you truly love your furry pal. Chronic diarrhea in dogs is a very unfortunate thing for dogs because they suffer in silence due to either inflammatory bowel disease or some other acute reason. This is where your patience as a dog owner counts much and it is that time period when your camaraderie with the canine either strengthens or withers away. 

Before we look at the steps to treat acute diarrhea in dogs through home remedies that you can try at home, it is important to understand the factors that cause this problem in dogs. Diarrhea is the first signal from a doggy's body that it requires to cleanse or there is a deep state of imbalance. Remember, parasites or bacterial pathogens like to settle in the weakened body and then the causes need to be addressed properly. One of the prime reasons for digestive disturbance in dogs is due to feeding of heaving processed, dried or poor quality canned food. Remember, the best food that you can feed him is nature intended. 

If you see blood in the stool of the doggy, it can be due to hemorrhagic colitis, which can be resolved by following the steps given below. Hence, there is no need to panic. But if you have a young dog or a puppy, who has diarrhea, accompanied by extreme lethargy and loss of appetite, it can be due to parvovirus infection. Under such circumstances, it is important to visit your veterinarian. A dog suffering from colitis is usually bright and alert with no other apparent signs. Look at the steps given below for treating your doggy from this chronic condition:

  • Do not allow the doggy to eat for half a day or a day before feeding the next meal. Once the fast is complete, give pumpkin and chicken broth for 1 to 2 days in one or two meals a day. Then shift to a lean meat and vegetable blend encompassing fish, poultry or rabbit for a day or two before shifting to the regular diet. 
  • Have fresh water available for the doggy all the time. Ensure that he is hydrated by pinching the skin on top of the head. If it goes back to the original space in one second, it means that your furry pal is hydrated. If the skin folds for longer than that and hydration does not resolve the issue in a day's time, see your veterinarian.
  • Boil or steam a butternut squash till it softens and peels when it cools down. You can even use yams or pumpkin. Integrate chicken broth or vegetable broth to make a mashed potato uniformity.
  • If you have a picky eater, integrate some flavors like sardines, meat or salmon, but only in small quantities, so that it can entice your canine to eat. If he still does not eat, see your veterinarian.
  • If the diarrhea is acute, utilize activated charcoal tablets for neutralization of toxic bacteria.
  • Never use any anti-diarrhea antibiotics, as most are useless in brief diarrhea episodes. There are also certain side effects of these antibiotics that can have adverse effects on the digestive system of the doggy which can last for months or years.
  • If the diarrhea persists for more than 2 days or if the canine feels lethargic, take him to the veterinarian immediately.
  • There are several diarrhea recipes available online that include rice and chicken broth, but that is not the correct way to go, as rice is not as soothing as it appears, rather you can go for squash, pumpkin or yams for best results.
  • Slowly shift the doggy to the normal diet after 2 days.
  • In case, the diarrhea persists, consult with your veterinarian.

Monday 22 August 2016

5 Safe Ways to Exercise your Dog During Summers

With summer already at its peak, the days become longer and warmer; which gives you a perfect opportunity to exercise your doggy. But the problem is how to exercise your dog outdoors in the summer heat? As a responsible dog owner, you are fully aware about the risks of exercising your furry pal during this season. Hence, in order to help your dog beat the heat, while exercising during the hot weather of summer, it is important to follow some of these safe ways to let your tyke be active, despite the hot and humid climate outside:

Modify The Exercise Regime Of Your Doggy

During summers, early mornings give you a perfect window of opportunity to work out with your pooch; as it is the coolest part of the day. Modify the exercise regime in such a way that most of the dog's exercise gets over in the early mornings; preferably before 8 AM. You can even exercise during the twilight hours, when the sun is about to set which can give him a respite from the heat.

Be Flexible During The Workouts

Remember, when it is hot and humid, it is very difficult for your doggy to workout as his body will expend energy to stay cool. Just like human athletes, even dogs need an acclimation time to adopt the varying temperatures of the day. If it is extremely hot, cut down on the duration or intensity of the workout. Once your furry pal gets acquainted with the climate, gradually increase the intensity of the exercise. You can even divide the workout sessions into two or more parts. This will ensure that your doggy does not suffer from overheating. It will also give him time to refuel, re-hydrate and rest before continuing with the grueling exercise session.

Opt For A Different Surface During Summers

If you exercise your furry pal on the pavement, don't forget that blacktop will get too hot during summers. Since, dogs do not wear athletic shoes, they will notice the heat of the pavement. Instead of it, make him run on grass or a trail. He will be relieved from the heat wave. You can even move indoors to conduct some of the exercise sessions; where the climate can be controlled.

Closely Scrutinize Your Furry Pal's Behavior During And After The Workout

This is extremely critical. If you find your pooch dull, in a confident, wants to lie down more than usual, it is time to stop the exercise session; and get back indoors as soon as possible. It is very difficult to watch out for heat stress signs after workout. Hence, be vigilant and closely scrutinize his behavior during the day. If you see anything unusual, skip the exercise schedule for a couple of days.

Keep Your Tyke Hydrated

Even though dogs do not sweat, due to exercising in the heat and humidity, their water intake increases. A normal dog would need 50 to 60 ml of water per kg of body weight. But if you own an active dog who loves to stroll around in the heat and humidity, he would need even more water to keep himself hydrated. Always have access to fresh water available to your furry pal all the time. Also, make sure that you refill his water bowl several times during the day. This will keep him hydrated.

You may also be interested in reading : 
6 Amazing Things To Enjoy with your Doggy This Summer

Thursday 11 August 2016

5 Definite Signs of Arthritis in Dogs and Cats

In our country, it has been researched and found out that lameness and joint pain are two of the most common reasons for which pets are taken to veterinarian clinics. The causes can be varied and so it is very difficult to gauge whether your dog or cat is suffering from arthritis.

It has generally been found that in senior pets lameness is always a subsidiary cause to a major injury known as degenerative joint disease. This disease occurs when the cartilage of one or more joints wears leading to inflammation, pain and reduced quality of life. This causes joint disease and traumatic arthritis in pets . Generally, arthritis occurs in pets due to wear and tear in their life, but it can even occur due to an earlier injury, genetics, infection or even obesity.

The symptoms of arthritis in dogs include: lameness, reluctance to walk, difficulty in getting up and lying down. In cats, the symptoms of may be hidden as they are good at concealing their discomfort. Hence, in our country, it has been statistically proven that 90% of cats more than 12 years of age have arthritis, but only 7% of them are lucky enough to avail the treatment. Some of the symptoms of arthritis in cats include: gradual change in their lifestyle and behavior, reluctance to jump up or down, evading previously favored elevated spots, sleepiness, irritability towards the owners, reduced grooming and toileting issues.

Let us now focus on definite signs of arthritis in dogs and cats:


Limping is one of the major signs of arthritis in pets. You may not notice their limp during the early stages of arthritis. But remember, a pet that is affected by arthritis may limp during the early stages of the disease. he may limp after walking a few steps and then stand up. Then he may move normally. With time, you will observe that their limp will become more visible.

Decreased Activeness

Your pet who used to remain active and play for longer duration will find it difficult to move. He will prefer napping instead of playing with his favorite toys.

Difficulty In Moving

As the disease prolongs, your pet will find it difficult to move. Things like getting into the car, hoping on and off the beds or climbing the stairs becomes extremely hard for them.


When you are in excruciating pain, it becomes very difficult to keep your spirits up. The same is true with your pets. When your pet is affected by arthritis, it becomes very painful for them to move. Due to this pain, they even become grumpy. If you sense that your pet seems to be sensitive towards a particular area of the body like leg, and does not like it to be touched, it can be due to arthritis.

Licking And Chewing

Due to the soreness in the affected part, your pet may spontaneously bite, lick or chew the sore spots. If your pet licks a spot occasionally, it may be just an itch. But if he is constantly biting, licking or chewing at a single spot, it can be due to arthritic pain.

So, have you seen any of these signs of arthritis in your pet? If yes; then rush to your veterinarian immediately to get your pet treated.

Sunday 28 December 2014

11 Signs to Find Your Cat’s Health

As a responsible cat owner, you will always take care that your pet is booming in health and leading a happy life with no health problems. It is a bonus for you when your pet is in good condition without suffering from any illnesses. Normally, pet parents are not aware of when their pet is suffering from illness or not. You may not know the simple signs of normal health that help you recognize that your kitty is healthy or not. Finding any deviation from the routine behavior, you can look upon your cat health care.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Anemia in Dogs – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dogs like humans also suffer from the loss of red blood cells. The condition is termed as anemia. The purpose of red blood cells or erythrocytes is to carry oxygen. Their decreased number results in various health problems. The common symptoms of anemia in dogs are lethargy, weight loss, appetite loss etc. Severe anemic condition may cost a dog his life. Thus, pet parents need to be alert if their pet shows any signs of this blood loss disorder.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Tried and Tested Methods of Giving Medications to the Pet

Pets would love to eat treats but when it comes to pills and medications, they would instantly make a quick exit. Giving those tablets, capsules and pills is not an easy task for pet parents but treatment is as important as the feeding habits of the pet. With an initial resistance, the pet will start taking pills if you develop a habit of taking medicines. In worst case, you need to trick the pet by tossing a pill between treats.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dog Eye and Ear Care – Basics and Concerns

Just like humans, pet’s eyes and ears also need special attention and care. These delicate areas of the pet’s body demand special attention as they are frequently exposed to dirt, mites, injuries and harsh weather conditions. Dog eye care and ear care should be an intrinsic part of routine pet care. To avoid infections and diseases, all pet parents should be regular with their routine of cleaning, hydrating and maintaining hygiene for pet’s eyes and ears.