Thursday 11 December 2014

Tried and Tested Methods of Giving Medications to the Pet

Pets would love to eat treats but when it comes to pills and medications, they would instantly make a quick exit. Giving those tablets, capsules and pills is not an easy task for pet parents but treatment is as important as the feeding habits of the pet. With an initial resistance, the pet will start taking pills if you develop a habit of taking medicines. In worst case, you need to trick the pet by tossing a pill between treats.

Some of the Popular Methods of giving Pills to Pets:
The best way to give pills is by placing the pill in the pet’s mouth. This habit will help in future when you may be at loss of treats but need to give the medicine. So, just make sure you put efforts in creating this habit. Pull up the pet’s upper jaw and pull down the lower jaw. Place the pill at the back of the mouth and close the mouth keeping it upwards. The pill will easily slip down and you will know it when the pet licks his nose. Immediately give a small treat to appreciate the pet’s cooperation.

Another popular way is mixing the pill with the pet’s food. You can crush the pill and mix with the meals. In this, you need to be sure that the pet completes his entire meal so be sure that the pet takes the entire dosage. Certain medicines have a protective shield that needs to be kept intact to get the best benefits of the pill. Crushing such pills is not advisable so avoid mixing such tablets with the food. Ask your vet about whether you can crush the pill or not.

Next super trick that works most of the time is tossing the pill between the treats. If you think that Fido is too smart not to catch the pill then you can hide it between a cheese cube or some peanut butter. This will help a big deal, as the bitter taste of the capsule will be covered by the taste of cheese or butter. This trick works in nine out of ten cases.

When you are supposed to give liquid suspensions or pastes, you can mix with the pet’s wet food. You need vet’s approval on this. Second way of administering pastes and suspensions is by using a syringe. You can insert a syringe into the cheek pouch (space between the back teeth of the pet). Slowly inject entire content and gently close the pet’s lips. Your pussy or puppy would swallow it without much of a trouble.

Give injections only after learning how to do it from a qualified vet. If injection is necessary like in case of diabetic pets then do it gently. You can take help of someone, as the pet may not give you an easy time. Most of the intramuscular injections are painful and needs more care. Best way for injecting medications is getting them done at the vet’s clinic.

Warnings for administering oral treatments to pets:

  • Firstly, do not administer any treatment without the vet’s advice. Vet recommendation is necessary because your pet may be allergic to any of the contents of the pill and you may end up creating more health issues for him.
  • Do not crush or powder all pills. Powders have a bitter taste that would be disliked by the pet. The outer shield layer of certain pills is kept undisturbed so that the medicine gives a slow impact. So, just keep in mind that crushing the pills does not work at all times.
  • Correct dosage is a must. Do not overdose. Follow the label instructions to the hilt. Any pill that has crossed expiry date should be disposed off without a second thought.
To sum up, your pet may not give you a happy time while taking medicines. Creating certain treatment habits will work for you. If not then you can always rely on tricks to make sure your pet takes in complete treatment. That’s it! Be smart in treating your pet and you will be done with the task of gifting good health to your pet. What say? 

For more helpful topics to improve your pet health visit:

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