Thursday 11 August 2016

5 Definite Signs of Arthritis in Dogs and Cats

In our country, it has been researched and found out that lameness and joint pain are two of the most common reasons for which pets are taken to veterinarian clinics. The causes can be varied and so it is very difficult to gauge whether your dog or cat is suffering from arthritis.

It has generally been found that in senior pets lameness is always a subsidiary cause to a major injury known as degenerative joint disease. This disease occurs when the cartilage of one or more joints wears leading to inflammation, pain and reduced quality of life. This causes joint disease and traumatic arthritis in pets . Generally, arthritis occurs in pets due to wear and tear in their life, but it can even occur due to an earlier injury, genetics, infection or even obesity.

The symptoms of arthritis in dogs include: lameness, reluctance to walk, difficulty in getting up and lying down. In cats, the symptoms of may be hidden as they are good at concealing their discomfort. Hence, in our country, it has been statistically proven that 90% of cats more than 12 years of age have arthritis, but only 7% of them are lucky enough to avail the treatment. Some of the symptoms of arthritis in cats include: gradual change in their lifestyle and behavior, reluctance to jump up or down, evading previously favored elevated spots, sleepiness, irritability towards the owners, reduced grooming and toileting issues.

Let us now focus on definite signs of arthritis in dogs and cats:


Limping is one of the major signs of arthritis in pets. You may not notice their limp during the early stages of arthritis. But remember, a pet that is affected by arthritis may limp during the early stages of the disease. he may limp after walking a few steps and then stand up. Then he may move normally. With time, you will observe that their limp will become more visible.

Decreased Activeness

Your pet who used to remain active and play for longer duration will find it difficult to move. He will prefer napping instead of playing with his favorite toys.

Difficulty In Moving

As the disease prolongs, your pet will find it difficult to move. Things like getting into the car, hoping on and off the beds or climbing the stairs becomes extremely hard for them.


When you are in excruciating pain, it becomes very difficult to keep your spirits up. The same is true with your pets. When your pet is affected by arthritis, it becomes very painful for them to move. Due to this pain, they even become grumpy. If you sense that your pet seems to be sensitive towards a particular area of the body like leg, and does not like it to be touched, it can be due to arthritis.

Licking And Chewing

Due to the soreness in the affected part, your pet may spontaneously bite, lick or chew the sore spots. If your pet licks a spot occasionally, it may be just an itch. But if he is constantly biting, licking or chewing at a single spot, it can be due to arthritic pain.

So, have you seen any of these signs of arthritis in your pet? If yes; then rush to your veterinarian immediately to get your pet treated.

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